Food Sense Groups
A Delightful Healing Journey
with Others
Groups on the Calendar
Tantra training took me beyond my somatic background as a Rolfer and into the world of aliveness in some very simple ways, food being one. Simply put, food is a natural sensory dive into an essential relationship.
A Sensory Dive With Food and Friends - Online Food Circles as Healer
Would you like more pleasure in your life? Or maybe a gratitude practice beyond journaling or meditation?
Food is a way to explore themes as healing pathways - meaning more embodied pleasure (or gratitude, or…) in our daily life. Using a selected theme, we can consciously tune into food as a full sensory experience to expand a sense of that theme in our bodies. And that can become more of our daily experience as we practice.
Here's how: gather with others as we consciously dive into our senses and discover more pleasure. Just create a plate, bowl or tray and a drink with ANYTHING you want that brings you pleasure. It sounds natural....even basic? Yes it is! This is a guided sensory meditation that can be used at any time to simply enhance your relationship to daily embodied pleasure.
What do you get? Participation in a group experience with Source healing facilitation, which is not only alot of fun, but can feel empowering and builds a deeper foundation for your own practice.
Food Sense Themes
o Nurturing and Nourishment
o Pleasure and Playfulness
o Inspiration, Curiosity and Creativity
o Gratitude and Appreciation
Lunchtime 30 Online Group Format
5 minute meet
15 minute sensory dive
10 minute voluntary share
Midweek Hour Online Group Format
5 minute music and movement
10 minute meet
25-30 minute sensory dive
10-15 minute voluntary share