Horse Touch & Vascular Therapy
Well being for Horses


Mutual support is inherent to relationships. Source takes it where it’s most beneficial.

For you and your beloved horse!
There are three ways I work. In relationship with your horse as observer, facilitator, or as surrogate, the Source field offers healing and strengthening for both of you. Though the focus is on your animal, since our nervous systems are in communication with theirs there is always an opportunity to come into balance together for the moment.
In person:
1) A touch session - Touch includes hands off for anyone that needs the space for whatever reason. We always meet in complete agreement because this is fundamental to all relationship and goes far in mutual trust. Your horse knows what it needs and at what pace.

In person or remotely (phone or zoom):
2) Me guiding you to facilitate as my surrogate - A partnership in healing - this started over the phone in support of a friend who needed quick relief for her dog. I guided her where and how to touch him. I was so focused on her dog that it was only later that I wondered how that would’ve supported her as well. Since then I’ve come to see how Source actually supports both owner and horse.
3) Me guiding you toward your own intuitive capability - A partnership enhancing your healing abilities. For those who are interested, this is a beautiful option for a deep level of intimacy with your horse. It’s not everyone’s desire or even their thing, but when it feels right you know it.

How I Discovered Healing Touch with Enzo
Several years ago, when I entered the horse world, I couldn’t find many local equine bodyworkers. I decided to hire a recommended people chiropractor who had horse clients. As a Rolfer I’d not trained on four leggeds so it felt like the best choice.

One day I found Enzo, my big guy (look for the big Chestnut on the home page) , standing alone in a field. As I approached him, he slowly turned his head and his body seemed to creak all over. Not wanting to move, it was obvious he was in alot of discomfort. The chiropractor was scheduled the next week and Enzo needed immediate relief, so I had to trust and see if I could help him. I began to very lightly touch him not knowing if it would make a difference. I just tried…. and then stood awestruck as I watched him make a cat stretch skyward followed by an impressive head to tail movement. He then stood taller, appeared at ease and began walking around normally. When the chiropractor arrived a week later he asked me what I’d done. I said ‘I don’t know. I just touched him in a few places and he adjusted himself!’ He said ‘well, keep doing what you’re doing!’. So I did! I had no idea nurturing healing touch would become so central to my work and i still have Enzo showing me the way.

Balance for well being.
For any horse that isn’t ready for physical touch or have specific places of protection, hands off is perfect. Honestly, by just tuning into the wholeness of Source with these highly sensitive beings brings about shifts and new possibilities. Power and vulnerability is their dance in the world, so supporting them so they may discover their own sense of balance is a gift we can offer.

We know that environment and herd dynamics are key to well being. Source Touch can support the horse in any situation, but does not guarantee an override of any of those stressors, much less a desired result or outcome. I listen without answers, which provides you with a beautiful opportunity to observe and make choices that you think or feel are right and sometimes that can take time. Generally speaking, as a team we provide:

o Healing space for a specific incident or experience, behavior, relationship or environmental associations.

o General well-being and quality of life regardless of exhibited or known physical, mental or emotional status.

I also offer vascular therapy sessions (BEMER) while in the Source healing field. It offers relative optimal blood flow of the microcirculatory system for up to 2-3 days. Information provided upon request.

It is important to check with your trusted health care practitioner with any health concerns you have about your horse. I do not treat medical issues since I am not a health care professional. As a healer my intention and practice is to bring focus to your horse’s innate healing capability (wholeness), which is a self-balancing mechanism, not medical or health care.

How to Schedule or Inquire:

To schedule, please call 610.458.9876 or go to scheduling (non-BEMER)

BEMER Horse Set fee structure:
There are 3 timed levels with increasing vibrational frequency, There is no exact protocol, but low and slow is recommended when introducing to a new horse. With increased blood flow comes increased detoxification and sometimes some strange sensations when pathways are opening. So we watch each horse for comfort and response. Initially 2-3 times weekly on the lowest level and can increase weekly depending on age, health, conditioning and sensitivity (observed response). Horses in regular demanding work typically get daily sessions with BEMER owners, but optimal microcirculation can last up to three days depending on individual stressors (horse and environment). Higher does NOT mean better. We want to see what the optimal lowest level is - again through observation. however it can be beneficial to change it up depending on the horse’s response.

Single Session:
Level 1 - 5 minutes - $30
Level 2- 10 minutes - $35
Level 3 - 15 minutes - $40
Packages of 5:
Level 1 - $25 = $125
Level 2- $30 = $150
Level 3 - $35 = $175
Travel fee applied to barns based on distance.

My barn - you facilitate:
If we coordinate our visitation, you are welcome to use it yourself at a reduced rate after the first week of observation (only to make sure they’re comfortably eliminating what they are releasing).
Time based only to account for device wear:
Level 1 - $20
Level 2- $25
Level 3 - $30