Horses are Master Healers and Teachers and for many it is their purpose. Join me in a field of Source (the creative consciousness that is our inner Light), perfectly aligned for everyone who attends, as I facilitate a rich sensory awakening experience in partnership with two master healers: Horses and Nature.
Benefits include:
o Enjoying healing and consciousness practices as pleasure, beauty and peace and more
o Discovering Horses as nurturing, powerful Healing partners
o Experiencing more aliveness through the embodiment practice of sensory awakening in the presence of Horses who ask us every moment to be present in our bodies
o Deepening our connection to ourselves, others, all things and Mother Earth as discovery of our our authenticity
o Connecting to our innate gifts and perhaps even our purpose and/or
o …. whatever you are ready to receive (strength, resilience, love, clarity, …..) that arises within the Source Horse Field!
About horses and their healing gifts…. According to The Heart Math Institute, our own heart energy field radiates up to 8-10 feet. Horses’ range is 5 times larger. Their coherent (consistent) heart rate variability has been found to have positive effects on our own mental-emotional balance. Their field literally influences physiology, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and neurotransmitters.
Wear comfortable clothing with boots or close toed sandals or shoes. Bring a journal or notepad in case we are led to write or ask a question.
Place: On a horse farm on the Brandywine Creek in South Coatesville, PA (in Southern Chester County). Specific details will be provided upon registration. $60 Please Register here
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