Connect to the source of your joy, aliveness, innocence, play, curiosity and creativity! Like good climbing trees, creeks have a way of inviting the essence of our child to emerge. Sometimes the play we tend to seek out in adult ways can leave our younger selves feeling isolated. Nature is our original playground that can offer us deep connection and healing that weaves into our daily lives. All within the creative consciousness of a powerful Source healing field supported by Mother Nature.
For more information, please go to the Nature Sense page.
$60 - This event is 60 minutes, which does not include 5-15 minutes roundtrip between the parking lot and our gathering place. Specific details will be emailed upon registration. Unless you have Wim Hoff or Hobbit feet, bring water proof boots for the cooler weather!
Place: Within a 30 minute radius of either King of Prussia or West Chester PA. TBD.
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